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Individual definitions:
Loss prevntion
loss (lôs, lŏs)
1. The act or an instance of losing: nine losses during the football season.
a. One that is lost: wrote their flooded house off as a loss.
b. The condition of being deprived or bereaved of something or someone: mourning their loss.
c. The amount of something lost: selling at a 50 percent loss.
3. The harm or suffering caused by losing or being lost.
4. losses People lost in wartime; casualties.
5. Destruction: The war caused incalculable loss.
6. Electricity. The power decrease caused by resistance in a circuit, circuit element, or device.
7. The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured.
pre•ven•tion (prĭ-vĕn'shən)
1. The act of preventing or impeding.
2. A hindrance; an obstacle.
Retail Security
re•tail (rē'tāl')
The sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.
Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods or commodities at retail.
1. In retail quantities.
2. At a retail price.
se•cu•ri•ty (sĭ-kyʊr'ĭ-tē)
n., pl. -ties.
1. Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
2. Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence.
3. Something that gives or assures safety, as:
a. A group or department of private guards: Call building security if a visitor acts suspicious.
b. Measures adopted by a government to prevent espionage, sabotage, or attack.
c. Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as burglary or assault: Security was lax at the firm's smaller plant.
d. Measures adopted to prevent escape: Security in the prison is very tight.
4. Something deposited or given as assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation; a pledge.
5. One who undertakes to fulfill the obligation of another; a surety.
6. A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond.
Electronic Article Surveillance
e•lec•tron•ic (ĭ-lĕk-trŏn'ĭk, ē'lĕk-)
1. Of or relating to electrons.
2. Of, based on, operated by, or otherwise involving the controlled conduction of electrons or other charge carriers, especially in a vacuum, gas, or semiconducting material.
3. Of, relating to, or produced by means of electronics: electronic navigation; electronic books.
4. Of or relating to music produced or altered by electronic means, as by a tape recorder or synthesizer.
5. Of, implemented on, or controlled by a computer or computer network.
ar•ti•cle (är'tĭ-kəl)
1. An individual thing or element of a class; a particular object or item: an article of clothing; articles of food.
2. A particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract, constitution, or treaty.
3. A nonfictional literary composition that forms an independent part of a publication, as of a newspaper or magazine.
4. Grammar.
a. The part of speech used to indicate nouns and to specify their application.
b. Any of the words belonging to this part of speech. In English, the indefinite articles are a and an and the definite article is the.
5. A particular part or subject; a specific matter or point.
sur•veil•lance (sər-vā'ləns)
1. Close observation of a person or group, especially one under suspicion.
2. The act of observing or the condition of being observed.
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